We love teachable moments. At The Lexington School, children find courage in lots of little places—in every classroom, in every activity, and from every teacher they encounter. It could be the first time a child takes a leap on the playground to a crowd of cheering friends, or the first time a student performs a solo at Spring Sing to a packed house.
It might be the moment when an electrical circuit designed for class just won’t work and it is time to start all over. Challenges lead to growth, and growth builds more courage. A child finds courage by taking risks, and regardless of the outcome, isn’t afraid to try again. A child finds courage by making mistakes and a nurturing adult turns that mistake into a teachable moment.
In our supportive environment where children are known, they develop courage. Courageous children take risks, and we embrace the growth that emerges from their success and failure. We succeed when our graduates crave achievement and live with purpose beyond themselves.